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IMPORTANT: For those who have come for the 4 Business Archetypes Quiz, it has been upgraded to the Business Growth Scorecard based on what can deliver the most value to you, our audience. Thank you for your understanding and please give it a try! 

When you’re running a business, it’s easy to feel like you’re constantly running on a hamster wheel. You may know where you want to be in five years but have a hard time zooming out and making the time to identify what steps you need to take each quarter to help you get there.

Or maybe you know what you need to do but constant distractions and dumpster fires keep you from taking action. 

Regardless, you’re not aloneMost business owners spend more time in their business than on their business, when it should be the opposite. 

That’s why my team and I created the “Business Growth Scorecard.” We are excited to help you analyze your results with a free business assessment.

To help you create a breakthrough in your business, we’ve designed this scorecard to learn about your business and help you get the most out of your business strategy. With just 4 minutes to complete the assessment, you will self-identify where your business is excelling and where there are areas for growth. 

After you’ve received your Scorecard, you’ll gain clarity around where you are on track toward your goals and what pieces may be holding you back.

You’ll receive your Scorecard plus a special bonus I’ve included for you in your inbox once you’ve completed the assessment.

We look forward to chatting soon about how you can get un-stuck and move your business forward!

Jason Lee



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